Two Modern Homes With Rooms For Small Children [With Floor Plans]

Designing a home for a family with young children requires creativity and balance. Stylish parents and growing children may have different requirements, but it's totally possible to create a family-friendly interior that looks stylish and meets the needs of kids and adults alike. This pair of two-bedroom homes from Lugerin Architects proves it – both enjoy efficient compact layouts, clean styling, and innovative features practical for family life. And look no further if you're searching for classy kid's bedroom ideas because these photos are sure to offer up some useful inspiration.

 This first family-friendly apartment features comfortable open living spaces punctuated by a substantial volume that hides bright bedrooms and private spaces. Simple materials, clean lines, and straightforward arrangements allow for a minimalistic and flexible aesthetic that can adapt to the family’s changing requirements over time.

A bright blue sofa adds a playful splash of color to the living room and brings out the bluish hues blended into the gray cabinetry in the background.

Simple midcentury-style Danish chairs embody the sleek Scandinavian sensibilities found throughout. It’s hard to go wrong with this classic style. 

The designers were able to save a few feet by modifying the sofa to include a soft bench on the back side, providing comfortable seating at the dining table. This helped leave some sunny open space around the balcony – and leaves more room for daydreaming while sitting on the small interior step leading to the sliding glass door.

Rather than just sticking to one pattern, a variety of wood gives each surface a distinct personality. The entire home echoes this trend.